Weekend WrapUP
11:44 AMWhen did weekends become so quick. I feel like when you become an adult your weekends feel 10x shorter. Maybe because I have little to no time during the week to do anything besides school and work that come the weekend I try to cram as much fun (or non fun) stuff as I can.
Friday night started my weekend. And what would any bookie do this past Friday night. Go see (and drag their husband) to see Divergent. (though I'm gonna take the last statement back, my husband actually wanted to see it too)
BTW I want to write a whole bookie review on the movie. But TRUST me it will be super positive.;)
Saturday consisted of cleaning (ew). Lunch with family. Shopping and Dinner date with the Hubby (YAY)
Sunday we headed to O'Town for an Atlanta Braves spring training game. Holy Crowded. But was fun nevertheless.
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