A gift

8:28 PM

So a couple of post ago, I talk how i kept getting distracted and that i really need to get something done. Well this was it.


It was for my wonderful, sister but not related, friends birthday so I send her a fun package with fruit mentos ( which she meant to get when she was here visiting), and 2 recipes because she loves to cook and bake. One of them is one we made while she was down here :) Tator Tot casserole. And also i put in a picture of me and her from their trip.

And of course she loved it : )

Also, hopefully in the next day or two I'll post an update about my room :)


  1. Samantha,

    Love fruit mentos....and we love to make tater tot casserole. We got the recipe from the Duggar family....you?

    Glad you girls had a good time ... I saw the pictures on your Mom's blog... just precious!

    Blessings and a big hug to you this evening!


Aww! How sweet of you to leave a comment! I love reading them and replying to them. If you need a quick response - please see my contact page for my email!