Friday Boredum

2:50 PM

OK I wasn't really bored but I thought i could brush up on a my editing skills and also I wanted to use my tripod again since i haven't used it ( lost a part to it) in like 3 months :)



  1. AWESOME!!!
    Though you look so sad.. :-)

  2. Very cute photos. I'd love to know how to make pics b&w but still keep something color in it... must be special software is it?

  3. Samantha,

    Hi sweet one. I am a friend of your Mom's. You might better know me as Josh's Mom (lol).

    Your pictures are lovely! I didn't know you had your own blog...I'll try to stop by from time to time.

    Blessings to you, sweet one.

  4. Cool! I really like the last one :)

  5. Hey Samantha! Cool blog (: I was wondering how you make the whole picture black and white and still have the pillow red? I'd looove to know how to do it! thanks :D


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