Room Update

12:33 PM

So over the weekend we got 1 ( well i guess it could be 2 ) things accomplished in my room.
1. We ( my dad ; ) ) removed my dresser from my closet so that we can start to take all my box's and stuff out of it so we can paint it this weekend.

( please excuse the messiness)

2. We took apart my old bed ( it was about to fall apart anyway).. ..
You know your homeschooled when you calculator is always about 2 inches from your bed and you backpack is your locker :P

So now I'm sleeping lower the usual, which i don't mind because now i can see this cutie better :)
( he is hardly ever in my room... and he looks this cute because i was eating :P... he knows how to "work it" )


  1. Samantha,

    I can't wait to see the update and yes, that cutie sure enough knows how to work it! lol

    Big hugs to you!

  2. I think I have the same calculator as you... ;)

  3. CUTE dog! Aww. :) You're room is rockin'!


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