
2:40 PM

Hi blog friends!
How are you? 
Steve and I are doing well. 
Life has been crAzy and nonstop. 
We've be going through bouts of sickness and hurting shoulders and colds.
Trying to fix up our house little by little.
Writing school papers and sitting through hour and half lectures.
Going on trips to Disney. 
Spending our first Valentines Day together as a married couple (at Disney). Which was very interesting one and now we will always have a very interesting story to tell about.
Bought a cute and funny shirt (or at least I found it funny)

Hope all is well with you blog friends! 
Til next time! 


Aww! How sweet of you to leave a comment! I love reading them and replying to them. If you need a quick response - please see my contact page for my email!