Sam's Thoughts
1:19 PM
Its time for another round of
"Random Thoughts with Samantha"
Lets proceed, shall we?
I finally learned how to make a bun! I'm so happy. I finally found a tutorial that works for me! See it here!
Isn't my bun amazing??? I think so :) New favorite style.
Tea Tea! I love tea, Chamomile is my favorite for night time if I'm motivated enough to get off my butt and make it. So is green tea but I prefer my green tea cold. Publix makes amazing green tea that I go out of my way to get. Always.
I made something cool. Isn't this cute? I just took some twine momma had in her office closet and some pink paper clips I bought at target (the $1 rack at target is THE BOMB, just sayin).
Cute. Simple. I like.
Homemade face scrubs are the best. I make my own face scrub. It is the BEST thing you can ever do. I did a lot of research to see what the best natural products were good to put on your face. The conclusion. Sea Salt, A little bit of Olive Oil, Brown Sugar, and honey. I make a scrub of all these things all the time and it makes my face feel amazing.
The ones below here are great too! Natural is the way to go!
I am DYING over here. LC's new fall collection at kohls is to DIE FOR. Can I have EVERYTHING!? Definitely going to shop online @ Kohls this weekend!
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