Get to know me

2:38 PM

Getting to know YOU

1. If you could host a Reality TV show, which one would it be?
The Bachlorett or the Bachlor. Why. Cause I want to smack some sense into some of those people! .... OK. All jokes aside. I'd want to host So You Think You Can Dance.
2. Do you put your seatbelt on before or after you start the car?
3. Shave or hair removal cream?
Really? This is kind of ;)
4. What's your favorite feature in a house?
Our entertainment center ( if you want to call it that ;)) its got out flat screen and blue-ray player in it :)
5. What is your favorite "Fall" scent?
6. What tv show are you looking forward to seeing the most this Fall??
There is a show called OutSourced that is coming on NBC. I've acutely seen a movie by the same title with the same premise ( coincidence???) so I can't wait to see it.
And i really can't wait for Modern Family to start again. When the previews came out we were like " WE ARE NOT WATCHING IT"... but then we caught the first one now its like our favorite show. Its just so good :D
7. Personal Shopper or Personal Chef?
Personal Chef. I like to shop :D
8. What is the first word that comes to mind when you think of "Fall"?
October :)


  1. Cute answers- and yeah... hair removal realllly? hahahaha.


  2. loved reading your answers :) shaving or hair removal?! seriously?! that IS personal ;)

  3. You had me at answer # 1!!! I bet you could smack 'em too girl! haha

    Love ya!

  4. been catching up on your posts:) i'm excited for outsourced too! my dad & i laugh every time a commercial for it comes on tv!

  5. Agreed with hosting So You Think You Can Dance! Love that show!


  6. Yeah, October! Best month ever! (month of my birthday ;) )

    I tagged you! Check it out...

  7. Super fun! Yeah hosting So You Think You Can Dance would be really fun! :) My favorite fall scent if pumpkin too!!! :D I have this candle that is called pumpkin spice and it smells sooo good. Have a great Tuesday!!

  8. I totally forgot about 'Outsourced.' I saw the commercial for it and tripped out over the Indian guy doing the whole Southern accent thing. lol! :) Can't wait to see it!


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