Organic Pet Boutique Review

2:19 PM


The wounderful people at sent me some sweet samples for my "little man" to try out and for me to review.

Needless to say he loved this review I had ;) The video below is Jaxson trying the yummy treats they sent us. I think he gives them 2 paws up. It would be 2 thumbs but he doesn't have any. I would give them 2 thumbs up though because they are ALL natural and very healthy for him and for any dog for that matter.


Oh and I'm sorry bought my mellow talking. I'm working on that ;) I keep forgetting when I review that i need to sound happy :) (which i am, i just don't sound it)

Now for the food. When Jaxson was a puppy he had skin issues ( he still does just not as bad). We tried to get him to eat healthy food but he refused. He would eat healthy treats but not healthy food. SO, it was no surprise when he didn't eat the food the wonderful people at Organic Pet Boutique sent us. However later on that night he did eventually eat it :)


I would GREATLY recommend this company for your dog needs! They are all organic and natural. I was astounded with the list of natural ingredients in the treats and food. I will deffentally by some more treats from them soon. Jaxson LOVED the chicken pot pie treats a ton. So come christmas I know whats gonna be in his stocking ;) shhhh. don't tell him ;)

Don't forget to enter my Jo Woods Organic Giveaway!


  1. Cool. We have been buying some kinda organic all natural food for our cat recently...thing is she won't tell us what she think of it:)


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