Book Review - When God Writes Your Love Story

1:47 PM

When God Writes You Love Story (Expanded Addition) - The Ultimate guid to guy/girl relationships by Eric and Leslie Ludy

Book Description-
In their most popular book, bestselling authors Eric and Leslie Ludy challenge singles to take a fresh approach to relationships in a culture where love has been replaced by cheap sensual passion. When God Writes Your Love Story shows that God's way to true love brings fulfillment and romance in its purest, richest, and most satisfying form. This new edition includes an extra chapter from Leslie Ludy about the surprises of life after marriage!

“I had dreamed of a perfect love story for my entire life. But somewhere in the midst of the endless cycle of temporary romances, my dreams had shattered.” How can I find a love worth waiting for?

Lay the foundation now—whether you’ve met your future spouse or not—for a lifelong romance. Bestselling authors Eric and Leslie Ludy invite you to discover how beautiful your love story can be when the Author of romance scripts every detail.

What I thought -
I LOVE books about purity. I've probably read half of the books on purity that are out there. I love reading and knowing that I'm not the only "crazy" one out there that is actually staying pure for my future husband. I really recommend this book for older teen girls/guys who are looking for some encouragement and even some great information on how to have a Godly relationship within this secular world. Its great to get stories from both sides of the relationship. The Girl side from Leslie and the guy side from Eric. I recommend this book for any older teens (16 and up). Its a great resource and a great read.


  1. Thanks for sharing! You are not the only girl out there who desires to stay pure for her future husband- me too! When I stand at the altar I want to be able to say, "I saved every part of me for you."

  2. Great thoughts and heading the right direction to being a great reviewer blog. I'll keep checking back for more reviews.

  3. yay purity:) i might have to pick that book up if i see it at a bookstore! have an awesome weekend!

  4. LOVE that book!! Basically anything by Eric or Leslie is fabulous!


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