The Start of the Season

11:25 AM

I can't believe tomorrow it will be December! Crazyness! Its seem like November when by so fast ( though i tend to say that every time we go into a new month).
We are back from our trip. We had such an amazing time with friends and family. I can't wait to go back.
( my cuz and I, see the resemblance :) )

So yesterday we started what I call. "Christmas Prep" It take my family about 2 or 3 days to unload ALL of our Christmas stuff. Its insane. "Unfortunately" I hurt my back Sunday morning (I think its mostly from sitting in the car on the way home for so long) so i wasn't able to help bring in the boxes. I helped unload a little.. as you can see in the video ;)


Every year i try to have a goal for Christmas, I don't know why. Its always something like, buying gifts early, being extra helpful.. stuff like that.
This year I'm going to try to bake and cook more. I like to cook and bake, i just have to be in the So for the past couple days I've been keeping an eye out for different yet cool recipes ;)

Hope you like my music player. I LOVE Christmas music so i thought I'd add my Christmas player to the blog for the month of December :) Also check out what I'm reading and my new "link me?"


  1. Samantha,

    I was so glad to see you pop up today! I'm back from the Mayo Clinic and I'm broken but the experts say I'll be around awhile! lol

    I love your Christmas music..and I hope your trip was wonderful and that back of yours gets well are much to young for that nonsense!

    Love ya bunches!

  2. You look lovely!!! I know! It is so crazy!! Have a really blessed week!!! :D love&blessings!

  3. Wow! You have a lot of christmas stuff! I think we could only fill two or three of your boxes with our christmas stuff...

    I really like the video ;)


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