Belated Birthday post

4:14 PM

I apologize for the lack in blogging.
1. I've been busy since last week with VBS
2. Well, i just haven't had the motivation to blog :)
sweet 16 Pictures, Images and Photos
So I am not 16 and proud to say never been kissed :)
I spent the first part of my b-day with over 70+ kids at VBS. I love it though.
After that I just had a small little party, nothing big just 3 of my friends over for a little afternoon cook out and swim.

My mom went out while i was at VBS in the morning and got 16 Lolly pops, 16 kit-kat and recces cups , 16 now and laters , and tons of cool nail files


We played the best party game ever invented :) Sad to say though i didn't win..


My friend made me the best card ever


I had the coolest sweet 16 ever :)


  1. Happy Birthday!! Hope it's not too late ;) Glad to know you had a good one!! blessings!


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