Friday Favorites

10:28 AM

Freezer Meals:
It is really "old" of me to like Freezer Meals?? The fact that I am writing this means I am coming to that place in my life where having a pre-made meal that I just have to throw in the crock pot to cook is a highlight of my week. Oh goodness.
As I have said many time's before. Thank God for pinterest. Without it I would not be able to find yummy and veggie filled freezer meals.

My Valentines Day:
Date Day's with my husband are my favorite. You can check out our lastest Date Day here. We had a pretty sweet Valentines Day Date Day.
Our Valentines Day : SmallCakes :

Disney Side:
Disney has (and probably will always have) the best marketing out there. I'm always in awe of what they come up with. Their recent video showing your "Disney Side" is great and so creative!

Wall Art and Sayings:
I am slowly gathering items for our bedroom walls. I want to do a nice wall full of art and sayings. This is by far my favorite print I want to put on the wall. Who doesn't love a little Johnny Cash... 

Have a great weekend friends!!!


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