A year
12:00 AM
One year ago today. I met Steve.
People ask me all the time if it was "love at first sight?" when I walked into the sanctuary at our local college/young adults ministry and saw this tall blond haired guy sitting in the front row during worship practice.
Steve has told me "yes". Well in his words..... "I thought you were hot" ...
I on the other hand will be honest and say 'not really".
Its not that I didnt find him cute or anything like that. I thought he was very cute.. and tall.. and kind of loud. But up till that point, I had never met Steve before. Ever. In my entire life. All I knew was we had a mutual friend at the college ministry and he was "just visiting". I don't remember thinking "Hey! its my future husband".
I will be honest though. I get a little teary thinking about how that one normal day.. was the start of something truly new and amazing.
I apparently made a really good impression. Fast forward a month later we started talking on facebook, which in turn lead to seeing each other again after a month from first meeting, then we started dating, and then 3 months later we were engaged, and in less then 2 months we will be married.
That may seem like a little fast for some people. I have definitely been told that.
But, when God brings that person into your life, and things go smoothly, and you can't imagine any reason why you shouldn't be together, and that person answers all the prayers you have prayed for for your future mate, it doesn't seem fast. It seems right.
Thanks for visiting that day. Thanks for thinking I was hot. Thanks for stalking me on facebook and instagram for a month to a point I had to message you and call you a stalker. Thanks for bringing me chick-fil-a on the day we decided to date, without me asking you too, confirming the fact that I definitely wanted to date you.
Thanks for always telling me you are the luckiest guy in the world. I am definitely the luckiest girl.
Thank you for being so patience and caring when I need it most.
Thanks for loving my family and wanting to be apart of it.
Thank you for serving our country. Even though I didn't know you during your deployment, I am nevertheless proud of you for doing what you did and your sacrifice.
And finally, thank you for choosing me. You could have chosen whoever you wanted and you chose this anxiety filled, accident prone, easily stressed clutz. God help you ;)
'When I first saw you, I fell in love.
And you smiled because you knew."
Aww so sweet!!
ReplyDeleteGirl I am not a sappy person but this is cute and actually makes me a little teary. I had no idea my nephew was this sappy. Also, I cannot wait to see your blog in 25 years. Talk to me then sister. Tia Kelly
ReplyDelete"But, when God brings that person into your life, and things go smoothly, and you can't imagine any reason why you shouldn't be together, and that person answers all the prayers you have prayed for for your future mate, it doesn't seem fast. It seems right."
ReplyDeleteYES. This is exactly how it has happened with my fiance and me. We were two and half months from dating to engaged, then 4 months from engaged to married (getting married nov 15). We've had to explain "why we went so fast" to a few people, too. In fact, I was considering writing a blog post on this topic sometime soon... Thanks for sharing!!
Aww! How sweet of you to leave a comment! I love reading them and replying to them. If you need a quick response - please see my contact page for my email!