Friday Favorites

12:00 AM

(1) Pride and prejudice inspired items. I've been inspired by everything Pride and Prejudice lately. I've always been inspried but more so lately :)

Source: via Samantha on Pinterest

Source: via Samantha on Pinterest

(2) Zooey Deschanel - I just love her, her style, her personality. She's just so cute! And her new show coming out in the fall looks just as cute and funny as she is!

(3) This quote - So true. So wise C.S Lewis

OH and I can't forget the new trailer for Sherlock HolmEs 2! This looks awesome! I CAN"T WAIT!


  1. LOVE LOVE that cuff! What a cool accessory

  2. Very cute stuff. I like the quote by C.S. Lewis as well. :) Hope you are doing great!!! :D If you need prayer for anything specific leave me a comment.


Aww! How sweet of you to leave a comment! I love reading them and replying to them. If you need a quick response - please see my contact page for my email!