Merry Christmas

1:54 PM

I can't BELIEVE Christmas Eve is tomorrow!???!!! December has gone by WAY to fast.

I hope you all have enjoyed this wondrous Christmas season. I have.

However, I think Jaxson is tired of me trying to get a cute Christmas picture of him.
See failed attempt below.


Anywhoo.. I'm going to be taking a little leave of absence from my wonderful blog. It wont be a full leave, I'll still be commenting on my wonderful blog friends blogs, tweeting and facebooking, and also working on a new template for the new year!

So may you all have a blessed Christmas! Don't for get the REAL reason of the season. ;)
Eat lots. And as my wonderful mom put it.
"May all your pants have elastic waistbands. "

And don't forget to relax ;)

Merry Christmas!!! God Bless!


  1. Cute pictures :) love that quote from your mom, moms have a lot of wisdom don't they?? ;)

    Merry Christmas!!

    with love ♥,

  2. Haha those pictures of Jaxson are too cute! Can't wait to see the new blog design. Merry Christmas, Samantha!! <3


  3. merry christmas! yay elastic waistbands! :)))


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