Friday Favorites
5:38 PM(1) The Beatles on Itunes! Tuesday was a great day for many people because Apple finally got the ok to release the entire Beatles music collection for download on Itunes! I'm so happy! I haven't bought any songs yet but I will soon!!!!
(2) Blogs that make me Laugh. Hyperbole and a Half is one of them! If you haven't seen this girls blog... well.. Just click here and check it out!
(3) Funny friends. So EVERYBODY has to have that one person that makes them laugh. I figured it was about time that my funny friend got some face time on this blog ;)
We literally can go from talking about history to how HOT Zac Efron is within seconds.
And we also have a hard time hearing each other and burst out laughing when we say what we thing the other person has said.
Example - The other day in the car my friend said "I'll help you with dinner" and I though she said "I love you too dear". Needless to say we laughed the rest of the way home.
Hahaha! "I love you too dear"! That is funny. :D Have a great Friday!
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