6 questions

3:13 PM

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 (BTW you can never go wrong with a picture of Jaxson) 

1.// What is one of your silly quirks? Or something silly that you get excited about.
If you asked Steve this question about me, he would probably give you more answers then I am going to give. lol. Most of the time I don't notice my quirks, one I do notice though is how excited I get for anything "Star Wars'. So, I guess you could call it a "nerdy quirk"

2.// Favorite movie, song, or tv show?
Its hard to narrow down a favorite movie or song because it all depends on my mood. But my favorite TV show right now that I can watch over and over and over is New Girl. I can watch the same episode 5x and its still just as funny as the first.
OH and in "awesome Netflix finds", if you like goofy humor...watch THE IT CROWD...This show is so witty and funny. Definitely a must watch

3.// What's your favorite beauty secret or product?
Brown Sugar, sea salt, a little bit of lemon juice and olive oil. Its a great scrub for your face. I always feel so clean after using it. 

4.// What's a current dream that you are hoping to achieve?
I cant wait to finish my A.A degree, I'm having to put it off because of the wedding (which is worth it btw) but I cant wait to finish it in the spring and hopefully get in a communications/media program at the school.

9.// What's the coolest thing you've made? (food, craft, anything)
The last thing I made was dinner for Steve and I and I used this recipe. SO good. But i think if you put cheese on anything its good. 
OH but you know what I want to make??? 
Gluten Free Cherry Hand Pies

Pillsbury has new GF dough that you can use to make this.
 I want some. Hook a girl up Pillsbury?? 

12.// What's your favorite part about marriage? Or what have you learned since becoming married?
Well I'm not married yet (soon, very soon).. but I can tell you what I'm LOOKING FORWARD to. Even though he lives right around the corner. I'm going to agree with Ilene, I'm looking forward to just getting to say goodnight to him, next to him, in person and waking up next to him (with him hopefully bringing me a cup of coffee). 

If you want to play/participate in this as well! Feel free! I took part in it after seeing Ilene's post :) You just need to answer 6 of the 12 questions below.

1.// What is one of your silly quirks? Or something silly that you get excited about.
2.// Favorite movie, song, or tv show?
3.// Any funny stories to share that has happened recently?
4.// Tell us something we don't know about you.
5.// What's your favorite beauty secret or product?
6.// What's your favorite or go-to outfit? (pics please)
7.// What's a personal trial you had to overcome?
8.// What's a current dream that you are hoping to achieve?
9.// What's the coolest thing you've made? (food, craft, anything)
10.// Who or what inspires you?
11.// Share one of your favorite pics. Tell us why it's your favorite
12.// What's your favorite part about marriage? Or what have you learned since becoming married?


  1. yay! loved your post! and giiiiirl, i just finished new girl last week and i am officially hooked. such a hilarious show!


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