You know

12:00 AM

Next year, It will be 10 years since my little northern booty landed in Florida. This has led me to contemplate some of the reasons/facts that make you realize you're a Floridian compared to a northerner.

(these are all true for me btw)

You know you are a Floridian when...

1.Anything under 65* with wind feels like you are living in Minnesota. 
2.When it is under 65* you bundle up with many layers as possible
3.Even if it's cold you contemplate still wearing flip flops 
4. You buy sunscreen in winter because its cheep and on clearence
5. #4- same goes for flip flops and shorts
6.You get extreamly excited when the humility is gone and you can finally open the windows
7. Making sure you are tan enough for shorts is a priority.
8.You dread love bug season.
9.Flip-flops are everyday wear. Shoes are for business meetings and church, but you HAVE worn flip flops to church before.
10.You get annoyed at the tourists who feed seagulls.

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  1. This is awesome. One of the best parts of visiting FL is being able to wear flip-flops everyone...a nice change for my very northern booty ;)


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